24 April 2009


Posted by anindita at 6:13 AM 0 comments
hey gags!
many things happen in this week, so i decide to write it all today, and that's why the title is MIXED. first, last Tuesday was Kartini's Day ! congratulation for all Indonesian Woman :D
meskipun nggak pake batik ke kampus, tapi yg penting kan semangat girl powernya. hehe..

second, Last Wednesday was Earth Day :) and what have u done to save our earth? simple things first, kayak make AC pas malam hari aja, make kertas print-an bolak-balik, matiin lampu kalo keluar kamar. simple things works! because our earth, our future :)
and in the same day, i'm happy because of something called L. and what is it? hmm i don't think i can share the story in here. just happy for me, gags :)
the next thing is, i saw one infotainment, and their gossip really makes me argghh. Mieke Amalia with Tora Sudiro. I used to be Tora's fans but after this shit happens, goodbye Mr. Tora! u're not worth to be my role. and now, i hates MA so much. what am i supposed to call her? whore? biatch?
oke, let the bad things pass by. the next thing, hebohnya para partai politik menjelang pemilihan presiden, heboh tuntut KPU karena Pemilu dinilai berantakan. sebelumnya, gue memang nggak peduli sama dunia politik. tapi tahu ini ketika dunia per-politikan memanas, i'm going to be a little curious. Secara yaaa, waktu masa2 kampanye kemaren poster2 Caleg dan parpol bertebaran di mana2. terus sekarang heboh lagi berita kalo banyak Caleg yang jadi stress atau bahkan bunuh diri karena hasil perolahan suaranya ga sesuai harapan. uuh prihatin deh, makanya jangan terlalu banyak berharap dari situ kalo emang belum punya visi dan misi yang jelas a.k.a jangan cuma ikut2an doang padahal pengetahuan politik masih minim. percaya deh, pas kerja jadi anggota DPR juga nantinya ga segitu enaknya juga kok. emang gak pusing mikirin rakyat segini banyak?
the last but not least, gue semakin bingung dengan makin banyaknya band di TV. setiap hari kayaknya ada aja yang muncul. u know guys, ada band yg namanya KUBURAN (dan seharusnya tempat itu ga dijadiin buat nama band deh), ECAPEDEH (come on guys! what r u looking for? sensation?) dan lain2nya yang gak gue afal juga namanya. berkarya sih boleh, bagus malah! tapi kalo cuma buat nyari popularitas doang tanpa mikirin kualitas lagu dan musiknya, please out of the way! kita liat aja deh nanti band2 ini bakal ngeluarin album selanjutnya apa nggak. apa mereka cuma one hit wonder band aja? we'll see guys..

21 April 2009


Posted by anindita at 6:10 PM 0 comments
on the spotlight

love this pic.

car call-ers

ingrid, citta, me, manyun

Sabtu, 18 April kemarin, berlokasi di Grand Manhattan Club, Hotel Borobudur, ACOUSTIC ACROSS 2009 : RESOUND yang merupakan salah satu proyek BSO Band telah berhasil dan sukses diselenggarakan! yeaaayy...
Menampilkan bintang tamu seperti Sketsa, White Shoes and The Couples Company, Twentyfirstnight ft Eq Humania, Gugun and the Blueshelter feat Achmad Albar dan Ian Antono (this is the best part of this event. we saw the living legend, live! )

see you on next Acoustic Across :)

all photos by: Adhita. W

19 April 2009

Emma's Style

Posted by anindita at 8:47 AM 2 comments

i heart Emma's style, they're Emma Watson and Emma Roberts. both are beautiful, well-dressed, and whatever, i love them :))

don't forget to watch Emma Roberts's new chick-flick, WILD CHILD. it's a worth to watch movie :)

Welcome to Malibu, biatch! hahaha...

18 April 2009

addicted to Pet Society on Facebook

Posted by anindita at 7:10 AM 3 comments
by now, everybody is being addicted to facebook. bener banget kan?
nah di facebook, ada salah satu game yang penggunanya udah mencapai 9juta orang (wow!), yaitu Pet Society (PS). Bagi kamu yang belum ikutan main PS, cobain deh. it's fun :)
pertama kita bisa create our own pet, sesukanya! mau warna pink, biru, putih, hijau, pokoknya terserah deh. begitu juga dengan bentuk badannya, kupingnya, matanya, etc.
nanti kita dikasih rumah yang bisa tambah besar setiap kali naik level. ada 47 level lho di sini. my pet, tinkybelle, masih di level 26 as a platinum pet. hihi..
yang seru adalah adanya barang2 baru tiap minggu yang lucu-lucu banget, kadang2 sesuai season juga. Easter, St.Patricks Day, Christmas, New Year, Valentine, even April Fool! baju2nya juga lucu2 banget, dari fairy dress, mukluks, headband, rabbit tunic, and so on.
temen2 gue sendiri yang main PS udah ada sekitar 300 orang-an, lumayan banyak juga kan? padahal tadinya cuma 150-an lho. tapi sekarang udah banyak yg pake cheat gitu, jadi pointnya udah jauh banget dan nggak bisa dicapai lagi. jadi nggak fair dan seimbang deh. padahal pgn juga sih bisa pake cheat, biar bisa beli semua barang2. hehe :p

let me introduce you, my tinkybelle. oh gosh! how cute she is :)

paling seru pas lagi nge-dekor ruangannya. kamar tinkybelle sih udah pasti, all about pink! mulai dari laptop, wallpaper, tas, balon, carpet, dll. hihi..

tinkybelle's pinky bed room

living room. C.U.T.E

bathroom. look at the princess bathtub :)

simply kitchen
oke, hope u'll enjoy it because i do :)

17 April 2009

Disney On Ice :D

Posted by anindita at 8:05 AM 0 comments
wohooo! akhirnya kemarin jadi nonton Disney On Ice:Princess Wishes.
one word: COOL! keren banget! dari mulai kostum, lighting, sampe semua2nya deh. hehe :)
lebih bagus dan keren daripada Disney Live! Oktober kemarin. Soalnya lebih banyak tokohnya juga (Jasmine, Belle, Ariel, Mulan, Aurora, Snow White, Tinkerbell, Mickey, Minnnie).
paling keren sih pas lagi bagian Jasmine & Aladdin nyanyi 'A WHOLE NEW WORLD', 'UNDER THE SEA'nya Ariel, 'BE OUR GUEST'nya Belle, 'ONCE UPON A DREAM'nya Sleeping Beauty sama 'A DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES'nya Cinderella (lho itu semua doong. hihi..). Pas bagian Sleeping Beauty si naga hitam muncul juga lho, ada 3 perinya juuga :)) uuuh puaaas banget deh. Tapi nih ya, yang jadi Aladdin kurang ah, harusnya kan Aladdin superb ganteng! hihi tapi bagus kok aksi dia. jadi pengen bisa jago main ice skate :)) terus, iri deh sama yg duduk di Super Platinum, bisa salaman sama karakter2nya, tapi harga tiketnya 1juta aja dulu. mending langsung ke Disneyland sekalian deh. hoho..
pokoknya kalo ada acara Disney2an lagi, WAJIB tonton!

*berhubung hasil foto gue blur semua, jadi fotonya dari kamera nanda nih (boleh ya nda. hehe.. )

14 April 2009

bad bangs!

Posted by anindita at 6:19 AM 0 comments
sumpah, bad bangs makes me bad mood!
uhh kenapa sih poni gue meliuk-liuk ga jelas?
bad start for this day :(
ga tau apa, poni itu VITAL banget? entah itu lepek atau udh mulai g jelas a.k.a bad hair day, mood pun langsung berubaaah.

need my Mom to instantly cut this stupid bangs!

13 April 2009

ngintip kamar yuk

Posted by anindita at 6:35 PM 0 comments
alohaaaaa :D
capeknyaaa tadi kuliah seharian. pokoknya capek lahir dan batin deh. hehe..
eh eh sekarang intip kamar gue yuk, tapi bagian meja belajarnya aja. kenapa?
karena gue baru menyadari kalo ternyata meja belajar gue itu berantakaaan banget. ampe bingung sendiri kalo mau nyari barang. hoho jangan ditiru yaah :p
nih nih liat deh..
maaf ya kalo kualitas editannya agak-agak compang. tuh liaaat kan? meja belajar yang bener-bener nggak bisa dipake lagi buat belajar. itu harusnya ada beberapa buku kuliah lagi yang numpuk, tapi kebetulan lagi ditaro kasur jadi nggak ikut kefoto deh. hihi..
liat aja celengan winnie the poohnya hampir 'tenggelam' di antara tumpukan buku-buku. terus ada meteran juga. tenang aja, gue nggak berminat jadi tukang jait kok. kemarin habis ngukur2 buat bikin rok, terus nggak sempet naro (boong banget!) a.k.a males dan lupa melulu. :D
ada rol rambut juga yang nyangsang depan pigura, biasa pagi2 heboh nge-rol poni terus naronya ngasal deh. buku2 kuliah terdahulu ada di bagian bawah, tapi kayaknya nggak layak tampil deh. hehehe..

zoom yuk zoom..

ini bagian atasnya. nggak berantakan2 amat kan yah? hehe..
fyi, itu jamnya mati lho, dan taulah...mana inget gue buat ganti batere. pelupa abis2an! habis ini kali yaa. hihi.. oiya yang kaus putih corat-coret itu ucapan ulang tahun dari teman-temnku tercinta :D thank you guys!

this post made without any specific reason. just for fun!
rajin2 beresin kamar yah.. jangan kayak gue. hihi..


. . Monday Morning

Posted by anindita at 6:29 AM 0 comments
pagi :)
yeaaay sempet juga ngintip bentar ke sini sebelum brgkt kuliah.
haduuuh disuruh baca jurnal Teori Keuangan 2 biji nih, tapi baru 1 yang kesentuh, itu juga belum ngerti-ngerti banget. Belom Keuangan Internasional diharuskan baca dulu sama dosennya krn dia pgn nanya-nanya. Baru baca summary-nya aja! aaaaaa....
i hate monday! bodo ah, ngeluh dikit kan nggak apa-apa?
please forward to Thursday, Disney on ice waiting!

see u, have a nice Monday :D

12 April 2009

doggy howgie

Posted by anindita at 5:34 PM 0 comments
third post in this day! please don't be mad at me.
i just want to share my experience hahaha :)

talk about dog, i'm not their fans. since i was chased by a little dog when i was children.
padahal gangguin dia juga nggak. huh dasar tuh anjing :P
semenjak itu, i hate dogs! no matter how cute they are. i don't even care.
tapi tadi pas lagi jalan2 dan ngelewatin suatu pet shop, ngeliat ada anak anjing yang lucuuu banget lagi bobo' di kandangnya. sooooo cute :)
terus ngeliat anjing chihuahua warna cokelat yang super mini dan imut. sekalinya dalam hidup gue, terpikir keinginan untuk melihara anjing. Me, the dog hater, wants to take care of dog?
Mimpi aja nggak pernah! Hehe.. Tapi sumpah itu anjingnya lucu banget. Naksir banget sama si anjing putih kecil yang lagi tidur-tiduran (ga tau jenisnya apa. hehe). Tapi kalo bisa sih dia jangan sampai beranjak dewasa, jadi segitu aja ukurannya, biar nggak annoying. hihihi..
Hmm mungkin nanti-nanti kali ya kalo gue udah nggak takut anjing lagi? ngerawat kelinci aja masih nggak bener (i'm sorry for all of my bunnies in heaven, esp. my little dede).
it's not my bad, i swear. their body are very feeble.


oke, enough for today. see you on...mmm besok kuliahnya full lagi, so see u next time :)


sunday morning

Posted by anindita at 6:56 AM 0 comments
morning, all :)
hmm it's such a nice morning. tapi sedikit 'sedih' karena besok harus kembali berkutat dengan segala perkuliahan. Oh My!
But, don't let the simple things make you down! kalo inget minggu ini rasanya jadi ga sabar buat nonton Disney On Ice:Princess Wishes. yea i'll attending this fabulous show :D
childish? i don't think so. uuuh pokoknya udah nggak sabar deh pengen cepet-cepet hari Kamis.
i'll report that for you, including some photos.

see ya!

Are U Really My Dad?

Posted by anindita at 6:31 AM 0 comments

morning news!

a shocking news (at least for me) comes in the beginning of this year. have you ever imagine a little boy who is just 13 years old is already become a daddy? it's real. gosh, this little boy must be emm can't describe it! but it's better if we listen the story.
Alfie Patten (13 years old) and his girlfriend (15 years old) are already become parent and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Maisie Roxanne.The fifteen year old mother got pregnant after a single night of unprotected sex and both decided to keep the baby. They were strictly against abortion. Being still immature at minds, they did not bother to tell their parents about the pregnancy as they are still very much unconscious about the gravity of the situation. All that matters to them is to be caring and responsible parents. Chantelle innocently answered to the journalist's questions: "We didn't think we would need the help of our parents. You don't really think about that when you're pregnant. You just think your parents will kill you"
However, the mother of Chantelle got to know about her pregnancy when she went out to buy some clothes for her and discovered that she took on weight and noticed her swelling tummy.
The parents of both children have decided to support them. They have informed only a few of their relatives for fear of being labeled and disgraced.
The father of Alfie is very much surprised by his behavior. Alfie, being a typical teenager who loves computer games, football, boxing and Manchester united, proved to be very caring indeed as he has been going to the hospitals everyday and insisted on the fact that he wants to be the first one to hold his baby in his arms. He tenderly kissed his baby and gave her a bottle.
Chantelle said: "We know we made a mistake but i wouldn't change it now. We will be good loving parents"
However, to be a good parent means to raise his/her child with comfort. Where will a 13 year old lad get money to raise a child???

i just imagine that the little baby Maisie look at the boy and when she knows that little boy is her daddy, she'll said 'are u really my dad? for God's sake!' hahaha that's just my imagination :D
but, we hoping for the best Alfie and Chantelle can do for their cute little baby. Aaaah i love baby so much!

11 April 2009


Posted by anindita at 8:29 AM 0 comments
welcome to my account and feel free to read about my stuffs.
maybe it's gonna be boring, lame and whatsoever
actually i never had a dream about being a blogger, since i have no creativity writing skill (although my big passion is being a writer)
well, at least i'm trying.

see you on my next post :)

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